Highlighting Team Members, Narbe and Rob, in honor of Veterans Day

Narbe and Rob are highlighted in honor of Veterans Day!
Rob states, "Natural Pet Oil contacted us. Cara was willing to try it on Jack, I was skeptical. Jack was hit by a car when he was young and has a lot of arthritis that has affected his dock diving career. He was as good as Narbe prior to that. I saw a lot of improvement with Jack using the CBD Oil. Jack is 12 years old. Early on in this season Narbe's performance had decreased significantly. She is very stoic. After seeing the results with Jack, we decided to try the CDB Oil on Narbe. Three weeks later she had improved to the level she was at last year. She got a personal best in Distance and has tied her personal best in AR 3 times this year."
Thank you for trusting Natural Pet Oil, and thank you for your service, Rob!
Discover how CBD can help your pet with our Natural Pet Oil products here!
Full Story featured with: @mt_dock_diving_dogs
rob tossing item in the air while narbe, the dog, dock dives